Distance between centers mm 2000-10000
Swing diameter above bed mm 1000
Swing diameter above cross slide mm 700
Diameter of face plate mm 850
Tool cross section  mm 50x25
Headstock and spindle
Spindle nose DIN 55021
Spindle  bore mm 140
Spindle diameter at front bearing mm 190
*Alternative spindle bore mm 322
Spindle rpm
Range I min1 1-128
Range II min1 5-315
Range III min1 12.5-800
Bed and slideways
Bed width mm 650
Width of carriage mm 820
Cross slide travel mm 610
Electric motor
Main drive kW 28.5
Motor rpm´s min1 50-3400
Feed rates
Number of feed rates kW 42
Feed rates longitudinal (Z) mm/rot 0.049-5.6
Feed rates traversal (X) mm/rot 0.024-2.8
Thread pitches
Number of pitches 42
Metric threads mm 0.75-64
Withworth pitch/1ʺ 9/16-064
Modul 1-016
Quill diameter mm 120
Quill taper Morse 6
Maximum workpiece weight
Between centres with one steady kg 5000
Between centres with two steady kg 6500
Unsupported from one end kg 800
Weight of machine (=2000mm) kg 9000
Additional for every meter kg 1000
Maximum togque at faceplate Nm 5000


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